Live Classes
Our synchronous learning school solution
Small classes led by certified teachers
Utilizing our project-based learning curriculum, a personalized learning experience is delivered online by highly trained certified teachers to small cohorts of 10-15 students with weekly live Zoom sessions.

"Centric Learning helped us find a better method for alternative education. It is great that our students are able to go back and correct their work and it's even better that they know what they have to correct."
Tyler Burbach, Director
Eau Claire Public Schools, Michigan

Address teacher shortages
Our live class school solution addresses staffing challenges by using our state certified teachers for assessing student work. Students will have more flexibility and access to our virtual teachers allowing educators to focus on what they do best.
24/7 online support
Have peace of mind with 24/7 platform access and support for students, teachers, and staff, allowing users to work with flexibility and ease.

We provide a robust platform experience
Certified Teachers
24/7 Messaging
Data Analytics
Online Grading
Progress Reports
Academic Support
Our approach to student-centered learning
Project-Based Learning
With project-based learning (PBL), students work on a project over an extended period of time – from a week up to a semester – that engages them in solving a real-world problem or answering a complex question.
Competency-Based Assessment
Competency-based assessment involves students submitting work for evaluation, with teachers providing constructive feedback and the ability for student's to go back and resubmit new work.
"Joining this program has made my high school experience more flexible. It's been a game-changer, offering an alternative to traditional schooling and becoming one of the highlights of my educational journey."
Corbin P.
Centric Learning Academy Student
Browse our other educational solutions
Online Classes
Self-paced asynchronous course and platform access
Credit Recovery
Accelerated learning for students to regain credits
Breaking barriers and helping to
build confidence