Course Catalog

Centric Learning offers a rigorous core curriculum, centered around project-based learning in English Language Arts, Social Studies, Science, and Math.

Courses designed for student growth


  • All core subject courses are aligned to national education standards
  • Many courses are also aligned to individual state standards
  • NCAA Approved Courses
  • AP and Honors Courses

Our academic team supports students

At Centric Learning, students and teachers work in an engaging online environment that offers opportunities to collaborate, get help, and work with their peers.

Elementary School

Education should be designed how we were born to learn. Nurture student's intuitive drive to learn and explore with an education built around inquiry and discovery.

Middle School

Middle School is a time of increased independence, when students begin cultivating their own skills and interests

High School

Inspire students for college success with a high school curriculum that fosters critical thinking and guides them toward career pathways aligned with their goals.

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